LTB Engineering, PC |
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We believe the more we write down about our unique philosophy, practices and methods, the better our clients can evaluate what we offer, and what to expect. We try to release new papers periodically, to document processes through which technology based companies can excel. The papers are offered here free of charge. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy reading them and that the papers will provoke new ways of thinking about technology. Please copy them to anyone that might benefit or enjoy them! Several of the papers are offered in an ‘Elevator Version’ as well as the full length paper. These abbreviated versions are supplied for the executive with limited time. Please take a copy of the Elevator Version; the full text will be here awaiting your return! Paper 0041-2b, PDF, 68 kb Disruptive Technology is a term first used by Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School in his book The Innovator's Dilemma published in 1997. His insights allowed for a new perspective with regards new technology and the effect it can have on incumbent technologies. We take a position of proactivity from the standpoint of the technologists and explore how technology based companies might leverage disruptive technologies to significant advantage. It is, from our perspective, the single most worthy pursuit of any company determined to grow and thrive. New Product Development - A Proven Approach Based on Best Practices Paper 0041-1, PDF, 131 kb This paper explores the steps required by manufacturers to roll out a new product. It introduces and details the concept of multi-disciplinary teams, and provides a textual flowchart of the steps and interactions of the members. It outlines the phase-gate process and provides concrete criteria with which to determine the suitability of a given project. Paper 0041-3c, PDF, 42 kb Inside Innovation — Elevator Version Paper 0041-3d, PDF, 26 kb Inside Innovation explores the methods that can be employed to significantly increase your creative technology output. Internal and external approaches are discussed. The concept of resource injection is introduced. We advocate a leverage of your existing technology base, which has proven to provide exceptional and cost-effective results. |